In the summer of (I think) 2003, I came across a ridiculously small thumbnail image online (seriously, it was something absurdly small — like 75×75 pixels) of a soldier’s dying facial expression.The look on his face was painted with a deeply anguished emotion that was easily derived from even it’s tiny size, but I knew I needed to do something with it to make it as large and noteworthy. I wanted to capture his story in a way that the size clearly wasn’t shedding any light upon.
I filled some clothes that seemed to represent the era of the soldier with laundry and posed them well enough to provide additional context to run along the information from the soldier’s face. After I taping three more sheets of paper to the original sheet, I was able to create a scene of his last moments, and the direction his story would ultimately take.
Charcoal on paper, 36″ x 72″
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